It's been months since I have blogged, mainly because I have moved into a brand new house and we STILL don't have the internet here!!! it is beyond ridiculous now, as it's so difficult to live without the internet nowadays (first world, middle class problems, I know, right).
So anyways, because I don't have a lot of time, or Gb's to do this post, I'll have to make it short and sweet!
So you should have come to my blog from Darcy Schroeder! (if you haven't there is a list of the blog hop at the bottom of my post, so scroll down and start at the very beginning, a very good place to start! sorry couldn't help myself!) If you have reached my page after Darcy's, then please continue!
This is my second swap with the facebook fanpage of Simply Betty Stamps
My first was a Halloween swap last year, that I thoroughly enjoyed, and so I wanted to get in on the action this time. This swap was originally going to be a make up/nail polish/girlie goodies swap, but somewhere along the line it got changed a little. Each person had to write a little paragraph about what their crafty likes and dislikes were, then their partner had to go and spend at least $25 on items for that person (being a shopaholic, like I am, its very hard to stay within that budget, particularly when you cant get a lot for your money over here in the UK. Well that's my story and im sticking to it!
So my swap partner was Helen Smith, a lovely lady from the USA, who I had a absolute ball buying craft things for. Helen had told me some of the things she liked to craft with and some of the things she was interested in, so I set about getting as many things as I could! And thankfully she seemed pleased with the happy parcel that arrived not so long ago at her house!!
Now unfortunately my package from Helen has not arrived (I am staying positive that it will still arrive, so everybody keep your fingers crossed) but Helen has sent me a photo of all the wonderful goodies she has bought for me, and its looks fantastic!! But don't just take my word for it, take a look yourselves!!
I can see some fab paper packs, some wonderful grosgrain ribbons, some bling and embellishments. All stuff that I love!! so THANK YOU HELEN!!!
and here is the gorgeous card she made for me! I love this image from Betty's Boudoir collection, so much so that I had used the same image on the card I made for her!!!
So please keep everything crossed that my parcel arrives safely and soundly within the next day or so! and another thank you to Helen for the thought that has gone into this, and to Corinne for organising such a great swap, and to Betty for drawing and producing such wonderful stamps that we all love!!!
I hope you have enjoyed reading. Next on the list for the hop is
9. Debbie Miller
so click on the link and carry on viewing all the wonderful thoughtful items that have been swapped!
Cheerio everybody xxx
Here is a full list of the Blog Hop over at SBS facebook fanpage. Happy Hopping!!!
1.Betty Roberts
2. Corinne Jones
3. Anita Blake
4. Tanja Charles
5. Jackie Randolph
6. Melissa Varga
7. Darcy Schroeder
8. Rochelle Ayris <--------------------- are="" here="" strong="" you="">
9. Debbie Miller
10. Helen Smith
11. Jackie Rakoski-Diediker
12. Erin Stephenson
13. Sam Slater
14. Katya Bess